If you’re looking to learn the many benefits of exercise, you’ve come to the right place! Exercise not only improves your physical health, but it also impacts your emotional and mental health, as well as your social life. In fact, exercise can even make your work life better! Here are reasons why exercise makes you feel good.
1) Boosts brainpower
We all know that exercise is good for us, but did you know that it can actually boost your brainpower. A study in the journal PLOS One found that physical fitness improves cognitive function, like memory and reasoning. Researchers surveyed 18 adults aged 18 to 30 years old before and after completing 12 weeks of aerobic exercise. The participants reported improvements in their quality of life and mood as well as their general health during the experiment. They also found a significant improvement in their mental cognition, namely attention span, processing speed and executive function. Get moving!
2) Lowers stress levels
Exercise can release endorphins, which are the brain’s feel good chemicals. Stress levels are also reduced by it. By reducing your stress, you are able to make better decisions and live a healthier lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle will lead to an increase in energy levels, so you’ll have more energy to spend with family and friends. It’s always easier to get motivated when you’re feeling strong and fit. There’s nothing like knowing that you’ve accomplished something for yourself. Regular exercise will help you stay strong and flexible for as long as possible. Plus, being stronger means that everyday tasks become much easier. From picking up children to carrying groceries from the store, you’ll be ready for anything!
3) Reduces inflammation
Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation and prevent chronic illnesses. Regular exercise reduces inflammation in your body, which is the root cause of many chronic illnesses. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that decrease pain and increase the brain’s ability to feel good. Endorphins are natural opioids that provide feelings of euphoria, which can help with depression and anxiety. The increased blood flow during exercise provides better oxygenation for muscles and organs, enhancing their function. In turn, this can help you recover from everyday life or a workout quicker than someone who doesn’t work out as often.
4) May help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia
Regular exercise may help keep your brain healthy by reducing levels of beta amyloid, a protein that accumulates in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This can slow or even stop the progression of these conditions. And new research has shown that running improves cognitive performance on memory tests to the same degree as if you had a full night’s sleep! Running might be one of the most powerful tools for fighting cognitive decline.
It may also lower risk for certain cancers: Studies have found that physically active women are less likely to get breast cancer than sedentary women.
5) Eases anxiety and depression
Exercise can help alleviate anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders by releasing endorphins in the brain. These natural chemicals can produce a positive effect on your mood. If you’re feeling down, try going for a walk or a jog to see if that gets you out of your funk. Working out also provides social benefits because it allows you to meet others who are just as dedicated to staying fit as you are. Helps reduce stress: The production of cortisol, the hormone released in response to stress and which causes physical symptoms such as increased blood pressure, decreased immunity, an unhealthy heart rate and weight gain is reduced through exercise which helps reduce stress levels more quickly than other activities. Improves cardiovascular health: Exercise improves cardiovascular health by increasing oxygen flow through improved circulation.
6) Improves sleep
Sleep is an important part of life, and it’s an essential factor in weight loss. Research has shown that exercise can improve sleep, and allow you to fall asleep more easily and get more restful sleep When we are tired, our cortisol levels increase – this hormone is responsible for breaking down fat stores to create energy. However, when we don’t have enough energy from sleeping well or enough time to do so, the body turns to cortisol for a quick fix. This leads to weight gain because the body will store more fat as a way of keeping us going One study found that getting at least 30 minutes of exercise before bed helped with healthy weight management in the long run
7) Regulates weight
Exercise can help you lose weight and maintain your desired weight by burning more calories than you consume. It also helps with controlling appetite, food cravings, snacking behaviors, and emotional eating.
Exercise can help you lose weight and maintain your desired weight by burning more calories than you consume. It also helps with controlling appetite, food cravings, snacking behaviors, and emotional eating. The National Weight Control Registry found that the average person who has lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for at least one year exercises approximately an hour per day (burning up to 2,000 extra calories per week). Exercising in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet plan is the best way to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass.
8) Strengthens bones and muscles
Osteoporosis is a condition that results in fragile, thin bones and can lead to fractures. Moderate exercise can help strengthen bones and keep them healthy. Weight bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, hiking, or stair climbing will also add more density to your bones. Exercising muscles will help you maintain a healthier weight and will reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions. In fact, studies have found that regular physical activity can cut the risk of stroke by 30%, coronary heart disease by 25%, type 2 diabetes by 40% and breast cancer by 10%.