Based in the United Kingdom, The Book Depository began as an idea in 2004 and has since grown into one of the leading international book retailers in the world, with over 20 million books available and free delivery to more than 130 countries worldwide. Their commitment to customer service and low pricing has earned them millions of fans—and millions of dollars—throughout the globe.
What is Book Depository?
The online bookstore, The Book Depository has been catering to worldwide book delivery since 2004. With distribution centers located across four continents, they offer access to over 20 million titles. They provide customers free delivery and returns service so that customers can enjoy free shipping regardless of where they live within most of Europe and also get their orders delivered within two days at no extra cost.
Thousands of books shipped from their fulfillment centers in Gloucester, United Kingdom, and Melbourne, Australia, are sent to countries across the world, with prices in 37 different currencies displayed.
To improve the book industry, their plan is to have All Books Available to All by improving the selection, access, and affordability of books.
What are the benefits of using Book Depository?
Being a student, you can personally vouch for Book Depository. The site is easy to use, allowing you to browse easily by genre or author, find what’s new in books and add items right to your cart. If you prefer browsing actual books instead of reading online pages and want instant gratification, they have plenty of ways for you to get that too.
So many books to choose from. There are millions of books in different categories to buy from one platform. Once you buy them, you can keep them in your library and access them anytime you want.
They have an advanced search feature which allows you to refine your search in many different ways. You can access it by clicking on the ‘Advanced Search’ button next to the ‘Search’ one and search by Title, Author, Publisher, and ISBN in any combination.
An online store by Amazon
The Book Depository was acquired by Amazon in 2011 and since then they have worked together to provide the best possible experience for customers worldwide. In the partnership, they have improved their customer service and delivery as well as their selection of books, currently numbering over 20 million so that no matter what kind of book you’re looking for, you’re sure to find it and be able to do so with ease.
Still dedicated to the customer experience they loved, Book Depository has a staff of employees who all deeply care about books. From customer service all the way to marketing and finance, they are committed to the brand and love their job. They love recommending titles and talking about books they love, and they plan to keep doing that for a long time.
In 2012, Book Depository was one of three finalists for the Retail/Leisure Business of the Year award, and it won both the Online Business of the Year and Retailer of the Year awards at the UK Startup Awards.
It ranked number 5 in the Sunday Times Fast Track 100 in 2013.
Over the years 2009 and 2010, it was selected as the best-selling book company at the Bookseller Industry Awards and the Queen’s Award For Enterprise.
Benefits of purchasing Books Through An Online Retailer
In today’s modern society, many of us have a hard time finding enough hours in our day to squeeze everything we need to do into 24 hours. We’re busy with work, school, and life obligations.
Fortunately, there’s a way for us to satisfy our love of reading and not have to spend all day doing it. Online book retailers, such as The Book Depository, allow people to quickly and easily get hold of their favorite books without having to leave their homes. All you need is an internet connection, a few clicks on your computer, and a couple of days for your book to arrive at your door. It doesn’t get much easier than that!
With an online retailer, you can search through thousands of titles and find just about any book you want. The selection is fantastic! They also have a feature where you can sort your searches by most popular, newly released, lowest price, highest price, or even a recent editorial review from a major publishing outlet such as Publishers Weekly. You can see what people are buying and buy books that are well-liked or those that critics agree to be good reads. Why go to your local bookstore when you can do it all online? In fact, why leave your house at all? Aside from receiving instant gratification for shopping with an online retailer rather than visiting brick-and-mortar stores yourself, many of these sites even offer free shipping on top of discounted prices on their products!